Articles of association

1. Name, registered office, financial year.

The club may refer to:
International Allstyle-Kickboxing Federation e.V.
It is based in Berlin, Oberlandstrasse 26-35, 12099 Berlin.
It is registered on 19.05.2011 in the register of associations at the district court of Berlin Charlottenburg under the number VR 30550 B.
After that, the name is
International Allstyle-Kickboxing Federation e.V.
The fiscal year is the calendar year.

 2. Purpose, Tasks and Principles

1.The purpose of the statutes is realized in particular through sports such as kickboxing, kung fu, karate, taekwondo, mua thai (Thai boxing), boxing, Şakir Yavuz Kung-Fu Style, Şakir Yavuz Self Defense, Oba Boxing, Ju Jutsu, Jui Jutsu, Brazil Jui Jutsu, Nin Jutsu, Judo, Aikido, Hapkido and other martial arts, but also other sports such as all kinds of water sports and motor sports, all ball sports such as football,  Basketball and volleyball.      In addition, all winter sports such as alpine skiing, etc..

2. Particular importance is attached to the care of character, as well as the cultural, social and sporting education of young people.

3. The members of the association participate in regular training and, if necessary, competitions. The supervision of the sports activities is carried out by sports specialists who have been trained in sports trainers.

4.The association is non-politically, ethnically, socially and religiously neutral and open-minded.

3. Non-profit status

  1. The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-privileged purposes” of the Tax Code, namely: through the promotion of the general public in the field of sport.
  2. The association is selfless; it does not pursue any self-economic purposes through the safeguarding of the association’s budget.
  3. Funds accruing to the association may only be used for statutory purposes. be used. The members of the Association, in their capacity as Members do not receive any benefits from the funds of the association. It must not be person by expenses that are foreign to the purposes of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.

4. the Structure.

For purpoFor each sport practiced in the club, if necessary, a separate one can be set up self-employed/dependent department.


The association consists of
– full members
– Supporting members
-Honorary members

6. Acquisition of membership.

  1. Any natural or legal person may become a full member.
    The board of directors decides on the written application for membership.
    The application for admission of minors requires the signatures of the statutory Representatives.
    Against a rejection of the application for admission by the Board of Directors, which does not require justification, the applicant may
    Applicants should call the General Assembly. The final decision will be made.
  2. Any natural person who has reached the age of 18 and who wishes to belong to the association without being involved in sports may become a supporting member operate. Admission is subject to the rules on the admission of ordinary Members accordingly.
  3. An honorary member may also be a natural person: who is not a member of the association.

7. Termination of membership.

  1. Membership ends by resignation, expulsion or death.
  2. The resignation must be declared in writing to the Executive Board. It shall be carried out in compliance with a period of three months and only at the end of a financial year permissible.
  3. A member can be expelled from the association
    – due to a significant breach of statutory obligations,
    – due to a serious violation of the interests of the association, or
    – for gross unsportsmanlike conduct.
    The board of directors decides on the exclusion. Prior to the decision, the give the member the opportunity to express his or her views, either orally or in writing; To this end, the member shall, in compliance with a minimum period of ten days, in writing. The decision on exclusion must be made in writing. and to be sent to the member by registered letter. The decision may be appealed to the General Assembly; it must be in writing and within three weeks of the decision being sent. follow. The final decision is made by the General Assembly
  4. A member can A member may also be expelled if, despite the fact that he or she two written reminders by the Board of Directors with the payment of Contributions or levies of more than one year’s contribution in arrears is. The exclusion can only be decided by the board of directors if since the second letter of formal notice was sent, referring to the exclusion, three months have elapsed.
  5. Members whose membership has expired are not entitled to Shares from the assets of the association. Other claims against the association must be made within six months of the date of the Termination of membership by registered letter and justified


  1. Membership fees are collected. The amount of the annual fee and its due date are determined by the General Assembly.
  2. Honorary members are exempt from the obligation to pay dues.

9. Rights and Obligations.

  1. Members are entitled to participate in the events within the scope of the association’s purpose of the association.
  2. Each member is obliged to register in accordance with the statutes and the other Regulations of the Association. All members are required to cooperate with each other consideration and adherence to common values.
  3. Members are obliged to pay dues. The amount of the The fee and its due date are determined by the General Assembly.

10. Governing bodies.

The are organs of the association are
– the board of directors
– the General Assembly

11. Board of Directors.

  1. The The Board of Directors shall consist of:
    – President – one or more Vice-Presidents – Secretary-General – Treasurer – Sports Warden – General Coordinator – one or more Coordinators
  2. The board of directors conducts the business of the association in accordance with the statutes and of the resolutions of the General Assembly. The Board of Directors passes its resolutions by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the vote of the Chairperson in whose absence, in whose absence, the representative. The Board of Directors organizes and supervises the activities departments; he or she is entitled to set up committees for certain purposes to be used. The Board of Directors may issue binding regulations. The Board of Directors has to report on its activities to the General Assembly.
  3. The meeting of the Board of Directors shall be chaired by the President or, in his absence, by a member of the Board appointed by the President. The resolutions of the Board of Directors are to be recorded for evidentiary purposes and approved by the chairperson. If necessary, a resolution of the Board of Directors may be adopted in writing or by telephone when all members of the Board of Directors have given their consent to the decision-making arrangements.
  4. The members of the Board of Directors within the meaning of Section 26 of the German Civil Code (BGB) are:- the President – one or more Vice-President(s) – the Secretary-General – the Treasurer – the Sports Warden – the General Coordinator – one or more coordinators. The association is represented in court and out of court by two of the above-mentioned members of the Board of Directors.
  5. It is not permissible to combine several board positions in one person.

12. Term of office of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly for a period of five years. However, he will remain in office until the new elections. Only members of the association who have reached the age of 18 are eligible for election. Re-election of a member of the Board of Directors is permitted.

13. General Assembly.

  1. The Ordinary General Assembly takes place once a year in the first quarter.
  2. An extraordinary general meeting shall be held if the interest of the association or if 1/4 of the members express it in writing, stating the reasons requested from the Executive Board.

14. Competence of the Ordinary General Assembly.

1.In particular, the Ordinary General Assembly is responsible for:

●        Receipt of the reports of the Board of Directors
●        Receipt of the treasurer’s report
●        Discharge and election of the Board of Directors
●        Election of the treasurer
●        Determination of contributions, levies and their due date
●        Approval of the budget
●        Resolution on the amendment of the statutes and on the dissolution of the association
●        Decision on the admission of new members and the exclusion of members in appeal cases
●        Appointment of Honorary Members
●        Decision on the establishment of departments and their management
●        Resolution on motions

15. Convocation of General Meetings.

  1. At least once a year, the Ordinary General Assembly shall be happen. It shall be approved by the Board of Directors with a period of two weeks in writing, stating the agenda. The period shall begin to run from the date following the sending of the letter of invitation Day. The invitation letter shall be deemed to have been received by the member if it is sent to the the last address provided by the member to the association. The agenda is set by the Executive Board.
  2. Motions to the General Assembly may be submitted by the Board of Directors and the members. You must register one week before the meeting submitted to the Board of Directors in writing with justification.
  3. With regard to the requests for additions to the agenda, which have not been submitted until the General Assembly, the General Assembly decides. A majority of three-quarters of the votes submitted shall be required to adopt the motion valid votes are required.
  4. Applications for amendments to the Articles of Association shall be submitted with the name of the person to be amended or paragraphs to be redrafted in the exact wording with the invitation to General Assembly.

16. Procedure and Resolutions of General Meetings.

  1. The General Assembly shall be chaired by the President or, if he or she is unable to attend, by a member of the Board of Directors appointed by the President. If none of these board members is present, the meeting shall appoint the leader by a simple majority of the members present.
  2. The General Assembly shall be held without regard to the number of attendees Members have a quorum. Decisions are adopted by a simple majority of the members present; in the event of a tie, the vote of the of the chairperson of the meeting. Abstentions shall be deemed not to have been votes cast. Written votes will only take place if 1/3 of the Members present so requested; in the case of elections, a written Vote should be taken if 1/3 of the Members present so requested.
  3. Amendments to the statutes can only be made by a majority of 2/3 of the members. For the dissolution of the association, a majority of 2/3 of the voting members of the association.
  4. Minutes of the resolutions of the General Assembly shall be recorded, to be signed by the respective chairperson of the meeting and the recorder is. It should contain the following statements: – Place and time of the meeting – the chairperson of the meeting- the recorder- the number of members present- the agenda- the individual voting results and the method of voting.
  5. In the case of amendments to the articles of association, the provision to be amended shall be specified.

17. Voting rights and eligibility for election.

  1. Only ordinary members and honorary members have the right to vote. The right to vote can only be exercised in person. Members who do not have a can participate in the General Assembly as guests.
  2. All full members who are over the age of 18 may be elected have completed.

18. Appointment of Honorary Members.

Persons who have rendered outstanding services to the association can, at the suggestion of the
Honorary members of the Board of Directors. Appointments as honorary members take place on
Lifetime; it requires a majority of 2/3 of the members present.

19. Cash Audit.

  1. The General Assembly instructs the treasurer to submit a written cash report, including the submission of all books and receipts, to each annual ordinary general meeting.
  2. The General Assembly discharges the treasurer for the reporting period as follows: President’s proposal.”


For the implementation of the statutes, the Board of Directors has adopted rules of procedure, a
financial regulations and regulations for the use of sports facilities.
The regulations are approved by a majority of 2/3 of the members of the board.
decided. In addition, the Board of Directors may issue further regulations..

21. Dissolution of the Association and Eligibility for Accrual.

  1. The dissolution of the association may take the form of an ordinary or extraordinary General Assembly with the majority of votes specified in § 17 become Unless the General Assembly decides otherwise, the 1. Chairperson/1st Chairperson and 2nd Chairperson jointly authorized to represent the liquidators (winding-up of the dissolution of the association). The above provision shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event that the association is dissolved for any other reason or loses its legal capacity.
  2. In the event of the dissolution of the association or the cessation of its tax-privileged purpose, the the assets of the association to a non-profit institution in the field of sports in Berlin, which uses the assets directly for charitable, sporting purposes has to use.

22. Entry into force.

These statutes were adopted in their present form by the general meeting of the association on 17.04.2014.

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